With Adobe Acrobat DC you can convert easily Office files (docx, pptx) or images (JPG, PNG, GIF…) to PDF files.
You can download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2021 here and if you need sample files to practice you can download word, power point and image here (Google Drive ZIP, 2MB)
Let’s start doing it together.
1. Open Adobe Acrobat and select Create PDF
2. Click the Select a File option
3. Choose a file to convert to PDF
In the Open dialog box, select the Word_sample.doc file or other file you want to convert to PDF and click Open. You can convert Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, as well as JPG, PNG, TXT, and other files.
4. Create the PDF file
Click the Create button. Adobe Acrobat will automatically convert the file.
5. Save your new PDF
When the converted file opens, choose File > Save or File > Save As, and then select a name and location for the new PDF file. Learn more about creating PDFs using Adobe Acrobat. You can also convert PDF files to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint using the Acrobat PDF converter Export PDF tool.
Video instruction